Without … initiations that reveal the core gifts of people and begin the healing of the inevitable wounds of life, it remains difficult for (us) to find solid ground on which to meet.
Michael Meade, from The Waters of Life
- Let go of old self-limiting stories
- Learn to take healthier, more innovative risks
- Enthusiastically step into new roles and responsibilities
- Step more consciously onto your chosen path
- Evolve into the person you want to be and
- Claim your destiny in the world
Initiation and rite of passages require us to risk the comforts of what we know in favour of the uncertain and the unknown.
Personal and collective rites of passage initiate us into our soul’s true calling.
Re-write your life stories…
At certain times and ages in life we attempt to change. It is natural to want to become someone or something more, more than other people’s limited perceptions of us. However, either through jealousy, fears or control people who we believe are supposed to love and support us (including family, teachers and friends) can unwittingly sabotage our risk to change and grow.
Pain induced by illness, heart-break and betrayal are all symptoms of how life breaks us open in order to evolve. Without guidance however, we often choose judgment over resiliency. In the role of judge, we loose our full ability to respond to challenges designed to help us evolve. We then often divert the pain of these soul-wounding experiences into unhealthy behaviours.
What can this training do to send you on your journey with more wisdom?
Because the past is never really over, with memory and imagination, it is possible to revisit and rewrite our own reactions to the events of our lives. For people willing to take the risk to step into radical self-responsibility this Rites of Passage program assists you to claim your personal authority and more enthusiastically step into your authentic leadership.
How do we heal the memories and wounds of our incomplete initiations?
Using the creative tools of Playback Theatre, light ritual, movements and music, body-centred intelligence and deep reflection, we will identify where we felt derailed in our growth and then ‘time-travel’ to the place of our ‘failed’ initiation.
Playback Theatre is an original form of improvisational theatre in which participants tell real life stories. These stories are ‘played back’ by participants. A hybrid form of theatre, social ritual and archetypal psychology, the Playback process is gentle, moving, insightful and playful. Playback Theatre is, in its essence, a creative portal to access the spirit of our times and the many roles we play within a life.
Playback profoundly deepens participants ‘awakening’ to the dramatic invitation of the present moment. It is an exciting educational and healing tool.
For many this disrupted attempt to leap from one chapter of life to another goes unfinished. For others their hard-won efforts go un-witnessed. The result in both cases is that your life can feel stifled and less fulfilling in your attempt to live the life you dream.
Your destiny, your vocational calling, is to be found locked away in these profoundly moving, and unfinished events. You, your desire and imagination, hold the key; this Rite of Passage program can help you unlock the door to your destiny.
It is possible to complete what was once risked and lost…
This two day training offers participants a rare opportunity to revisit past life-defining moments and complete the task of personal transformation.
Maximum 18 participants
Cost: $295 + costs/weekend
Time: 9 am to 5 pm
Robert Birch, M.A. is an international artist-educator, social activist, organic farmer, Playback theatre trainer. Over the past twenty-years Robert has worked extensively with social change agents: artists, academics, environmental, youth and business leaders helping people and communities in crisis. His work supports people to tell and transform their stories in a safe, compassionate and creative manner in order to step back into the adventure of life.
Visit his web-site at www.robert-birch.com or www.playbacktraining.com
Robert is an ancient spirit dwelling in a youthful body. His wisdom of the process of life is his strength. He is a mentor who will not allow anyone to become dependent on him. He encourages participants to challenge themselves. He is an intuitive visionary. He believes in spirit. When I'm in workshop with Robert I feel included, appreciated and loved. -Fran Bob, Cowichan Tribe Elder, British Columbia